EE212 Mathematical Foundations for Machine Learning and Data ScienceFall 2021
Department of Electrical Engineering
Assignment | Solutions |
Assignments 01 | Solutions |
Assignments 02 | Solutions |
Assignments 03 | Solutions |
Assignments 04 | Solutions |
Programming Assignment 0 (Pre-Lab, must be completed before Lab 01)
Programming Assignment 04 (Data-sets available on LMS)
Weeks 01 and 02 (Lecture Notes)
Course Introduction
Operations on vectors: linear combination, norm, inner prooduct, angle, distance, correlation coefficient
Span, basis, linear independence, orthonormal vectors, vector spaces, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
Weeks 03 and 04 (Lecture Notes)
Matrices Notation, Application Examples and Basic Operations
Matrix-vector product, Interpretations, Application Examples,Matrix-matrix product
Systems of Linear Equations, Formulation, Inverses, Left-inverse, Right-inverse, Inverse, Pseudo-inverse, Connection with the linear equations
Weeks 05 and 06 (Lectures 09-13)
EigenValue Decomposition (EVD) (Lecture Notes)
Curse of Dimensionality and Principal Component Analysis (Application of EVD) (Lecture Notes)
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) (Lecture Notes)
Least-squares Formulation (Lecture Notes)
Weeks 07 and 08 (Lectures 14-16)
Calculus module: Functions, Derivatives, Gradient, Hessian, Jacobian, Anti-Derivatives (Lecture Notes)
Week 09, 10 and 11 (Lectures 17-21)
Probability Theory overview, Probability models, Axioms of probability, Conditional probability Bayes theorem, Law of total probability (Lecture Notes)
Independence, Combinatorics
Discrete random variable, probability mass function, Continuous random variable, probability density function (Lecture Notes)
Introduction to Inference (Lecture Notes)
Week 12 (Lectures 22-24)
Overview of supervised learning, ML nomenclature, problem setup and train-test split (Lecture Notes)
Week 13 (Lectures 25-26)
kNN Algorithm: Overview and Analysis (Lecture Notes)
Analysis and Evaluation of Classifier’s Performance (Lecture Notes)
Week 14 (Lectures 27-28)
Overview of Perceptron Classifier, Logistic Regression and Neural Networks (Lecture Notes)