EE240 Circuits 1

Fall 2024

Department of Electrical Engineering
Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering
Lahore University of Management Sciences.


  • (Sep. 02) Welcome to EE 240 Circuits I.

Course Overview

The course provides an introduction to circuit analysis. Topics covered include introduction to passive components (R, L, C), independent and controlled energy sources, lumped parameter models, conventions for describing networks, analysis and solution of first order and second order circuits, determination of initial conditions in these circuits and their transient and steady state responses.

Administrative Details

  • Course Outline (Click to download)

  • Lecture Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday 1:00 PM to 02:15 PM

  • Textbooks:

    • Book 1: Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis by J D Irwin and R M Nelms, Wiley, 11th Edition

    • Book 2: Network Analysis, 3rd edition, by M. E. Van Valkenburg, Pearson Education or PHI

  • Supplementary Reading:

    • The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits by R E Thomas, A J Rosa and G J Toussaint, John Wiley, 6th Edition, 2000

    • Electric Circuits Fundamentals by S Franco, Oxford University Press, 2002

  • Office Hours and Contact Information

    • Instructor (, Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 3-4 pm

    • TA Muhammad Irteza Faisal (, Office hours: Monday and Wednesday, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

    • TA Shazreen Rashid (, Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 5 pm to 6 pm

    • TA Usman Ahmad (, Office hours: Tuesday, 11:45 am to 12:45 pm Friday, 2 pm - 3 pm

    • TA Maniha Inam (, Office hours: Thursday, 5 pm to 6 pm

Grading Distribution

  • Assignments, 20 %

  • Quizzes, 20 %

  • Mid-Exam, 25 %

  • Final Exam, 35 %

Lecture Notes and Exams

Lecture notes, exams and reading assignmnets will be posted here.


Assignment Due Date Solutions
Assignment 01 Oct. 01 Solutions
Assignment 02 Oct. 17 Solutions
Assignment 03 Oct. 24 Solutions
Assignment 04 TBA Solutions
Assignment 05 TBA Solutions


Quiz Solutions
Quiz 01 Solutions
Quiz 02 Solutions
Quiz 03 Solutions
Quiz 04 Solutions
Quiz 05 Solutions
Quiz 06 Solutions
Quiz 07 Solutions
Quiz 08 Solutions
Quiz 09 Solutions

Lecture Plan

  • Week 01

    • Course Introduction

    • Fundamental concepts: Chrage, Current, Voltage, Power, Energy, Passive Sign Convention

    • Review of fundamental concepts

    • V,I ideal sources, Controlled Sources

    • Passive Elements: Resistor, IV characteristics

    • Reading: Chapter 01 (Book 1)

    • Notes

  • Week 02

    • Series, parallel connection of sources

    • Circuit Analysis Overview

    • Kirchhof's Current Law (KCL) for Nodal Analysis

    • Kirchhof's Voltage Law (KVL) fo Loop Analysis

    • Single Node Pair and Single Loop Circuits

    • Notes

    • Notes

  • Week 03 (Only one lecture)

    • Delta-Wye Transformation

    • Nodal Analysis (independent sources)

    • Linear system (matrix) representation of circuits

    • Notes

  • Week 05

    • Nodal Analysis (Dependent sources and Super-node concept)

    • Matrix equation formulation

    • Notes

    • Loop (Mesh) Analysis

    • Equivalent Networks, Source Transformation, Moving Sources and Superposition Principle

    • Notes

  • Week 06

    • Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits

    • Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

    • Notes

  • Week 07

    • Capacitor, capacitance, IV characteristics, Examples

    • Notes

    • Inductor, induactance, IV characteristics, Examples

    • Notes

  • Week 08

    • First Order Circuits

    • Solution of first order differential equation

    • Series RC Circuit

    • Series RL circuit

    • Solving First Order Complicated Circuit with DC sources

    • Problems on First Order Circuits